The Broken Windows Theory was developed by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. According to the two authors, the broken window must be repaired as quickly as possible to prevent further destruction in the neighborhood and an increase in the crime rate. Destruction in urban areas is therefore inextricably
Concept of Anomie (Durkheim)
Durkheim sees anomie as a state of social disintegration. Due to a far-reaching social change (here: industrialisation, introduction of the structural principle of division of labour), social differentiations are increasingly emerging (e.g. poor – rich, urban – rural, religious – secularised, etc.). The disappearance of old principles of structure and
Social disorganization theory (Shaw & McKay)
Social disorganization theory assumes that crime rates are constant in areas with certain environmental conditions, such as high unemployment, population fluctuation or material decay. Such conditions prevent social organization and cohesion in the neighbourhood and thus informal social control of delinquency. Once crime is widespread, criminal norms and values that