Deterrence theories argue that the punishment of crimes results in both actual and potential perpetrators avoiding crime in the future. Main Proponents Cesare Beccaria, Jeremy Bentham, Franz von Liszt, Jack P. Gibbs, Alex Piquero, Raymond Paternoster, Stephan Tibbetts, M.C. Stafford, M. Warr, etc. Theory Deterrence theories are based on the
Theories of Crime
Rational Choice Theory
Criminology’s application of the Rational Choice Theory sees crime as the result of individual rational consideration of the expected benefits and costs of criminal activity. Main Proponents Gary S. Becker, Derek Cornish, Ronald Clarke, u.a. Theory The thesis of ‘Rational Choice’ is an economic, general theory of action. In general,
Classical Criminology
Classical Criminology sees criminal action as the result of free and rational decisions of the acting individuals. Main proponents Cesare Beccaria, John Howard, Jeremy Bentham, Samuel Romilly, John Anselm von Feuerbach, Sir Robert Peel, Samuel Pufendorf u.a. Theory Classical crime theory, especially according to Beccaria, is based on the assumption
Techniques of neutralization (Sykes und Matza)
Techniques of neutralization explain how offenders rationalized or justified their behaviour. Main proponent Gresham M. Sykes und David Matza Theory A special case within the learning approaches is Sykes’ and Matza’s thesis of techniques of neutralization. The focus here is on the learned justifications of the criminal for his already
Theory of differential opportunities (Cloward & Ohlin)
The theory of differential opportunities combines learning, subculture, anomie and social disorganization theories and expands them to include the recognition that for criminal behaviour there must also be access to illegitimate means. Main proponent Richard A. Cloward und Lloyd E. Ohlin Theorie Cloward & Ohlin’s theory of differential opportunities represents
Social learning theory (Akers)
The theory of social learning states that criminal behaviour is learned when the positive consequences of deviant behaviour are more powerful than the positive consequences of normative behaviour (operant conditioning). Main proponent Ronald L. Akers und Robert L. Burgess Theory Referring to Sutherland’s theory of differential associations, Aker’s theory of